The Little River Chamber of Commerce & Visitor’s Center is your link to people, programs, and resources. Join us in welcoming our new members to the Little River Chamber of Commerce & Visitor’s Center. Supporting our members is crucial our their success and making Little River a community that thrives. We are always open to constructive feedback and ideas.
How to Join
Apply online now to request an invoice. You can also stop by the office for a brochure and a chat. Please contact us at 843-249-6604 or at [email protected] if you have any questions.
How to Renew
Simply pay your membership invoice. You should be sent one during your renewal month, but you are always welcome to request another copy or come by in person. During your renewal month, you may want to ensure your posted business information is correct and you’ve added any helpful representatives to your membership, like your preferred billing contact.
If you have previously been a Chamber Member, and wish to rejoin, please follow the above steps under “How to Join.” Thank you.
For further questions or assistance, please call us at 843-249-6604 or email us at [email protected].

Welcome to our newest members:
For a full list of members, click here.